The Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment inspects Tangshan Steel Mills on site

Alan Yang

On March 11, Huang Runqiu, Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, went to Tangshan City, Hebei Province to inspect the implementation of emergency emission reduction measures for heavy pollution weather in steel mills.

Tangshan City is an important industrial town in Hebei Province, with concentrated steel production capacity and great pressure on air pollution control. On the morning of the 11th, Huang Runqiu and his entourage came to Tangshan City. Without saying hello, they went straight to the scene and went to HBIS Tangsteel Stainless Steel Company, Tangshan Jinma Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., Tangshan Chunxing Special Steel Co., Ltd. and Tangshan Donghua Iron and Steel Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. the company. He asked about the company's production, carefully checked the company's production ledger, production conditions, online monitoring and other records, to understand the company's implementation of emergency emission reduction measures in heavily polluted weather. During the inspection, Tangshan City has initiated a Class II emergency response to severely polluted weather. It was found that the four companies were all producing at high load during the emergency response to heavy pollution weather, failed to implement the corresponding emission reduction requirements, and had production record fraud problems. Some even reported to each other and deleted production records in response to the inspection. The relevant clues have been handed over to the local area. police Department. Huang Runqiu said that for environmental violations, especially fraudulent acts, we must resolutely investigate and deal with it in accordance with the law with a zero-tolerance attitude. Those suspected of crimes must be transferred to the public security organs, and relevant personnel must be held accountable in accordance with the law.